Wednesday, April 6, 2011

SOM 3 Bowling

"You mark that frame an 8 and you are entering a world of pain."
-Walter Sobchak

Don't look now but a new bowling world record may have been set late Tuesday night in the small neighborhood of Kearney Mesa. A man (I use this term loosely) bowled three of the shittiest games in the history of the sport (I also use this term loosely), a feat that will most likely never be matched again. At least not by someone over the age of 6. Early reports coming out of Kearney Mesa Bowling Lanes is that on average most middle school pizza party bowling groups bowl higher than one Jason Johnson of Pacific Beach California. Johnson averaged a raggedy andy 91. In basketball, golf or in a ridiculously awesome football game that would be a good score. In bowling it's the equivalent of watching a kid with down syndrome compete on Jeopardy.

According to the internet (and as we all know if it's on the internet it's 100% true) the average bowling score for men is 150 to 160 (Women are closer to 130). I give you now the average score tallied by the 8 men competing in SOM 2011 where we bowled three games, dropped the lowest score and averaged the remaining two. I'll let the numbers do the talking (and yes, I scored like an average woman, don't rub it in).

Couls 200.5
Bing 172
Taka 161
Sean 158.5
Pistol 157
Jantz 131.5
Klemo 128
Johnson 91

Bing and Pete were fairly consistent bowlers, each putting up exactly the same number in the first two games (172 and 157 respectively). They both fell off the pace in the last game though which most likely cost Pete two spots, falling to Sean by a mere pin and a half. Sean bowled out of his mind in the first game with a 181 and then followed that miracle by notching a 112 and a 138. Jantz ended up being the most consistent bowler (129, 125, 134). Unfortunately for him he was consistently shitty, garnering a sixth place finish. Jeff, the wild card, again showed why he was a strong addition to SOM 2011 by throwing bullets and finishing in the top three. With his game faltering (after starting out with a 178, he quickly put up a 144 and then a 106) he ended the second game with four straight strikes (and started the next game by throwing his fifth straight strike) which saved him from totally choking away a great start.

In the end, Couls won back the first place watch from Pete being the only bowler to touch the 200's. Johnson was never a factor and for his trouble he was rewarded with the last place supergay bracelet (which honestly needs to be supergayer...Lush would no doubt be stoked to wear the High School Musical piece of jewelry). I'm predicting right now that Johnson is the proud owner of the last place talisman for, at the very least, the next month.

Next up on the calender is a big 16 Point Dia de Futbol....SOM 4 &5: Football (Punt, Pass & Kick) and Soccer. Futbol and Futbol Americano if you will. We'll be at the OB Rec Fields at 9 AM on Saturday if anyone would like to come by a watch a bunch of high school heroes reliving the glory days.

The Numbers:


It appears that Johnson was out of his element.