Wednesday, May 18, 2011

SOM 6 Arcade Night

Going into SOM 6 Arcade Night the standings are:

couls 38
bing 30.5
pete 30.5
jantz 27.5
sean 27
jeff 24
johnson 20
zach 17.5

Arcade Night is broken down into the classic three: Pop a Shot, Air Hockey and Skee Ball. We had the intention of throwing Shuffleboard in there, but decided that shuffle would take too long and can stand on it's own as a challenge.

Skee Ball
The quintessential arcade game and the traditional kick off to our night. I wish I had the scorecard to see if Ball was more or less competitive than last year but unfortunately like many things that were lost when the Apocalypse happened, the score sheet was one of them.

1st Couls
2nd Sean
3rd Pete
4th Bing
5th Jantz
6th Jeff
7th Johnson
8th Zach

Pop a Shot
Jantz defends his title and proves he his only good at basketball when the hoop is five feet away, six feet off the ground and surrounded by a cage. This challenge included a rare three way tie that ended up going into double overtime where Sean outlasted the zVirus.

1st Jantz
2nd Pete
3rd Couls
4rd Sean (after double overtime)
5th Zach (lost in double overtime)
6th Jeff (lost in overtime to Z and S)
7th Bing
8th Johnson

Air Hockey
By far the longest event of the night and probably the most competitive. At this point in time we had worked up a sweat given the passion for winning mixed with the fact that Dave and Buster's didn't seem to care that the temp was bordering on 100 degrees. Is it some secret that people play more Dance Dance Revolution or Cruisin' America when they are sweating their asses off or what?

1st Jantz
2nd Couls
3rd Pete
4th Zach
5th Bing
6th Sean...up 5-0 on Pete and ended up scoring on himself 5 times
7th Jeff
8th Johnson

Overall Standings were as follows:

1st Jantz 20 pts
(wins in a tie breaker battle against Kris...head to head in each of the three events. Ironically Jantz beat Couls in skee ball, which Couls won the first time around, then gets torched by Couls in pop a shot--Couls shoots out the lights with a 72!!--and then wins his third game in a row on the air hockey table to earn his big 8 points for the SOM Arcade Night Challenge.)
2nd Couls 20 pts
3rtd Pete 19 pts
4th Sean 15 pts
5th Bing 11 pts
6th Zach 10 pts
7th Jeff 8 pts
8th Johnson 4 pts

A subplot to this night was the ownership of the High School Musical Last Place Bracelet or as it's commonly referred to, the iSAL (I Suck At Life). Up to this point the iSAL had been bouncing around (Sean to Johnson to the current owner Commish). After Arcade Night there was a two week break, which meant that the last place person would be wearing the iSAL for the duration of the downtime. Not good. Getting the bracelet off of my wrist was an absolute must.

After SOM 6, the standings were

Couls 45
Pete 36.5
Jantz 35.5
Bing 34.5
Sean 32
Jeff 26
Johnson 21
Zach 20.5 (yup, that's right...i'd be wearing the iSAL for two more weeks because of one half of one friggin' point. this is my life...welcome to the zVirus show)


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